Scientific Sessions
- Computational Cosmology
- Solar and Stellar Physics
- High Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Earth Magnetism & Electro Magnetic Radiation
- General Relativity and Differential Geometry
- Jet Physics & Applied Physics
- Wave Particle Duality
- Gravitational Physics and Lensing
- Multi-Messenger Astronomy
- Numerical and Mathematical Relativity
- Dark Matter & Dark Energy around Black Holes
- Planetary Science and Earth Science
- Theoretical Astrophysics
- Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Aerospace & Astronautical Engineering
- Neutrino Cosmology
- Quantum Mechanics and Physics
- Optoelectronics, Photonics and Laser Physics
- Cosmic Rays and Cosmic Magnetic Fields
- Alternative Theories of Gravity
- Astronomy & Space Science
- Nuclear and Applied Science
- High-Energy & Particles Astrophysics
- Gamma-Ray & Radio Astronomy
- Relativistic Celestial Mechanics